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Did you just open an Etsy store? Have you invested hours of work but the store is not reaching the success you expected? Is your store not gaining enough traffic and you have no idea why? Do you feel that it’s time to speak to someone who understands not only Etsy but the marketing and content aspect as well? Looking for an honest yet constructive critique?

Well, then this service is for you!

Professional Etsy Store Review!

Sarah Loubser is an expert in marketing writing and social media marketing for eCommerce stores with a focus on Pinterest. Sarah immigrated to Israel several years ago from the United States. She studied Communications and English Literature at Bar Ilan University and has been involved in promoting eCommerce stores on social media for nearly a decade.

Liora Goren, marketing and business development consultant specializing in e-commerce and Etsy stores. Accompanied by dozens of entrepreneurs in the field and owner of the successful brand – AHAVTI.

What does the service include?

We will study and review your store in-depth, address all the aspects that make the difference between a successful store and a struggling store. The end goal is to give you a comprehensive store review that includes practical recommendations that you can implement immediately.

How does it work?

The review for your store will start from a broad perspective. We will try to pinpoint the target audience for you and help you find your exact voice. Are you addressing the right audience? Where can your target audience be found? Are you addressing them in the right tone? Who are your top competitors and what can be learned from them?

Find these specific customers on Etsy – mostly American women who are looking for unique products, handicrafts, designed and original products. They are willing to pay big bucks for what you’re trying to sell!

The comprehensive review will touch on the following aspects of the store:

– The target audience

– Demand and competition on Etsy for your niche

– Adapting the products to the typical audience of Etsy

– The store’s visibility

– Product visibility

– About the seller section

– About the product section

– Image of the store (the banner)

– Link to social networks – Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook

– Does the branding hit the target audience?

– Is the branding uniform across all platforms?

– Product pictures

– Product description

– Product titles

– Search phrases aka Tags

– Pricing

What will you actually receive upon completion of the review?

– An hour-long recording in which we review your store in depth. The review will cover all of the issues mentioned above.
– The recording will be sent to your inbox a week after receiving payment for the service

*This service is for stores on Etsy that have at least 10 active listings.